Poster: Il consumo di legumi riduce il rischio di melanoma - Uno studio caso-controllo nella regione Emilia-Romagna

Poster 2013 Malagoli minionIntroduzione

Vari studi hanno suggerito un ruolo fondamentale delle abitudini alimentari nella eziologia di diversi tumori, tra cui il melanoma cutaneo, neoplasia abitualmente associata soprattutto all'esposizione ai raggi ultravioletti o a fattori genetici. Per approfondire la relazione tra il rischio di melanoma cutaneo il consumo di alcuni alimenti ed in generale, con le abitudini alimentari, abbiamo realizzato uno studio caso-controllo di popolazione multicentrico in alcune province della regione Emilia-Romagna. 


Poster: Risk of birth defects associated with maternal pregestational diabetes: a population-based cohort study in Northern Italy

Poster 2013 Vinceti minionIntroduction

Most epidemiologic studies indicated an excess risk of birth defect in the offspring of mothers affected by pregestational diabetes of type 1 and/or type 2, but relative risk estimates have been statistically unstable, with limited control for potential confounders such as age, ethnicity and smoking, and little attention to specific birth‐defects. We designed a large population‐based cohort study in Northern Italy, using administrative databases and a population‐based Birth‐Defect Registry, to investigate the possible teratogenic effect of pregestational diabetes.


Poster: Epidemiologia e fattori ambientali di rischio della sclerosi laterale amiotrofica: metodologia di uno studio realizzato in ambiente GIS

Poster 2013 Vinceti2 minionPREMESSE

La sclerosi laterale amiotrofica (SLA) è la forma più comune di malattia degenerativa dei motoneuroni, caratterizzata da una paralisi progressiva della muscolatura scheletrica e da una prognosi rapidamente infausta. Nonostante l'elevato interesse anche in ambito scientifico nei confronti di questa gravissima patologia, l'eziologia della SLA è ancor oggi purtroppo sostanzialmente ignota, ed in particolare non disponiamo di evidenze convincenti sul possibile ruolo di fattori di rischio ambientali presenti negli ambienti di vita e di lavoro nella sua eziologia.


Poster: Selenium species and heavy metals in cerebrospinal fluid and risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a hospital-based case-control study

Poster 2012 Vinceti icneBackground and aims: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is one of the diseases which has been ascribed to overexposure to heavy metals and the metalloid selenium, but few data are still available on this issue, including the involvement of a specifies Selenium species, which have very different biological activities. Using an advanced analytical methodology, we designed a case-control study to test the association between selenium species and heavy metals with ALS risk, using as biomarker of exposure their concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid.


Poster: Dietary exposure to Cadmium in a Northern Italy polulation

Poster 2012 Bottecchi minionBackground and aims

Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal without nutritional relevance, which can be very harmful to the human health. It is not degraded, therefore, if released into the environment it can remain there for hundreds of years. Cadmium is used in Cd / Ni batteries and in the production of artificial fertilizers, with toxicological properties associated from its chemical similarity to zinc. It is introduced through diet and other sources in living organisms and tend to accumulate in various tissues and organs. Cd is transported to the liver where it is bound to some proteins, forming complexes transported to the kidneys where it accumulates and damages the filtration systems. Cd also causes numerous skeletal changes and damages to the nervous system. Finally, it is definitely carcinogenic (group I AIRC). Worldwide, the average daily intake of Cd from the diet has been estimated between 10 and 50 g/day, half of which from cereals, fruit and vegetables.


