Poster: Assessing multiple sources of cadmium exposure in an Italian population

Poster 2015 EFSA filippini minionObjectives

Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal representing a serious environmental hazard to the human. Even though food and cigarette smoking are usually by far the main sources of exposure, outdoor air pollution could be an additional important source to be taken into account. Main anthropogenic sources of outdoor air cadmium are non-ferrous metal industrial production and fossil fuel combustion, followed by ferrous metal and cement production, and waste incineration. The aim of our study was to assess the influence of outdoor air pollution on a biomarker of cadmium exposure.


Poster: Are Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load associated with risk of cutaneous melanoma? A case-control study in an Italian population

Poster 2015 EFSA malavolti minionBackground

Several lines of evidence suggest a potential role of glucose and insulin in increasing risk of cancer at several common sites and promoting tumor growth (1). For these reasons, it has been suggested that the nature of the carbohydrates consumed may play a role in carcinogenesis . Meta-analyses on Glicemic Index (GI), Glicemic Load (GL) and cancer risk have been recently made available on selected cancer sites. The National Enhanced Cancer Surveillance study (2) suggested diets high in GI and GL may be associated with an increased risk of selected digestive tract and prostate cancers. Findings from the European Prospective Investigation in Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort on breast cancer (3) suggested that GL and carbohydrate intake are positively associated with estrogen and progesterone receptor tumors among postmenopausal women. The present study was designed to address the possibility that GI and GL may influence the risk of cutaneous melanoma in a northern Italy community, using a population-based case-control design.


Poster: Livelli di Cadmio e Manganese e correlazione con caratteristiche individuali e abitudini alimentari - Uno studio di popolazione nel Nord Italia

poster siti2015 filippini minionAbstract

Il Cadmio (Cd) è un metallo pesante con effetto cancerogeno e il manganese (Mn) è un elemento essenziale che presenta un effetto neurotossico a elevate concentrazioni. Scopo di questo studio è
valutare i livelli sierici di questi due elementi in un campione rappresentativo della popolazione del comune di Modena. Oltre al prelievo ematico, ai soggetti abbiamo chiesto di compilare un questionario per valutare fattori quali età, body mass index (BMI), abitudine tabagica e uso di supplementi dietetici, largamente assunti sebbene l'efficacia per la prevenzione di malattie cronico-degenerative e la sicurezza sia ancora incerta e controversa.



Poster: Accuratezza della diagnosi di diabete pregestazionale in scheda di dimissione ospedaliera: studio di validazione di una coorte di Modena e Reggio Emilia mediante i registri diabete

Poster siti2015 borsari minionIntroduzione

La Scheda di Dimissione Ospedaliera (SDO) contiene importanti informazioni cliniche e rappresenta una rilevante fonte informativa sia per finalità amministrative che epidemiologiche. Questo studio si propone di valutare l'accuratezza della SDO nel definire la condizione di diabete pregestazionale in due province emiliane.


Poster: Exploring inconsistencies between observational and experimental studies of selenium and diabetes risk

Poster CC2015 vinceti minionBackground

Observational and experimental epidemiologic studies that have addressed the relation between intake of the trace element selenium and cancer risk have yielded strongly conflicting results, as recently reported by a Cochrane review. Most observational studies suggest an inverse association, while randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have indicated a null or direct relation. Little is known about the replication of such inconsistencies when dealing with the risk of other chronic disease.

