Poster: Dietary determinants of serum selenium species in an Italian populations

We investigated the correlation between dietary habits with serum levels of selenium (Se) species collected from an Italian community. Consumption of food items was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. 

Cereal intake showed a positive relation with total and organic Se, but null/negative with inorganic Se. Fish and seafood positively correlated with inorganic Se and negatively with organic Se. Correlations were generally negative/null in vegetables (only Se-Cys was positively correlated), while in fruits they were positive with organic species, mainly Se-Cys. Legumes showed inverse relation with overall organic Se, but positive with Se-Cys, Se-TrXr and inorganic Se. Correlation of potatoes intake was negative with Se forms, except a positive one with Se-Cys and selenate. Our results show highly specific associations between intake of selected foods and circulating Se species levels.

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