Travel information

Reggio Emilia Office

'Padiglione De Sanctis' – Campus S. Lazzaro

City map

By train: from the Reggio Emilia railway station take Viale IV Novembre to Piazza del Tricolore, turn left and follow Via Emilia Ospizio towards Modena for 300 meters to bus stop. Take line 2 (every 10 minutes) and get off after about 2 km to S. Lazzaro bus stop. Cross the street and enter Campus S. Lazzaro, follow the signs to Pavilions De Sanctis and Livi.

By car: from the exit Reggio Emilia (A1), follow Tangenziale towards Modena, go straight until the end, then follow the Reggio/center and drive along the Via Emilia for about 2 km. Once you arrive in San Maurizio, past the roundabout, on the right you will find the entrance to Campus S. Lazzaro. Once inside go straight and follow the one-way ring always turn to the left until you reach 'Padiglione Livi' on the right and 'Padiglione De Sanctis' on the left.

Modena Office

Computer Lab at Istituti Biologici – Campus Via Campi

City map 

By train: from the Modena railway station take the bus n°7, get off at Campi-University (behind Policlinico Hospital), cross the street and enter through the main gate with guardhouse. The Computer Lab is on the second floor of the building called Istituti Biologici, located to the right of the gate.

By car: from the exit Modena Sud (A1), follow towards Modena. After about 6 km you come to the sign for the entrance into town and immediately after a large roundabout, with a central sculpture of a bunch of grapes, go to the center and at the first traffic lights (approximately 500 m), turn right on Via Campi, enter the main gate with guardhouse. The Computer Lab is on the second floor of the building called Istituti Biologici, located to the right of the gate.